Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Saadjärv a splendid shallow water 7.08 km² lake is situated about 24 km from Tartu, Estonia. The average depth is 8m and the deepest point is 25m making it ideal for all age groups to indulge in water sports, camping, or just frolicking in the knee-deep waters close to the banks. The water is almost crystal-clear with underwater visibility ranging between 10-12 meters. The nature around the lake is pristine, almost untouched by humanity though a few houses dot the landscape a good couple of hundred meters away from the shoreline.

We drive by the lake every fortnight en-route to our farmhouse, but rarely stop by for a swim as parking space is at a premium, even though there is a large parking area, which is actually 10 meters away from the shoreline. On warm days, vehicles of all kinds well and truly congest the two-kilometer stretch of road, which runs alongside the lake.

One late evening we decided to stop over and uplift our mind and bodies that were battered from the searing heat of the day. The mercury levels had dropped soothing our bodies and the very scenic atmosphere was more than comforting on our minds. The water was a welcoming 28-degree Celsius and had a miraculous effect on our fatigued bodies and senses. We felt energized and revitalized. We were rather gleeful to see the sun go down in all its wonderful golden glory because the dusk ushered in the much-needed respite from the heat and relative humidity.

We hope we have captured some of the supernal atmosphere in these attached photographs.

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